Hah hah hah ha ha... Hah hah hah ha ha... (that's my attempt at transcribing an evil cackle)

If you check the list, there are a bunch of other books (five to be exact) listed here, but we're going to ignore those for now....

This marks Thirteen Reasons Why's one-year anniversary on the Bestseller list. Presents are accepted. No, not really. Well, ahem, if you're sneaky...

Let's welcome I am a Genius of Unspeakable Evil and I Want to be Your Class President to the list!!! I'd suggest that you pick up a copy immediately if you do not want Oliver Watson to seek vengeance against you and your first born. And yes -- in case you're curious -- Oliver is very much capable of holding a grudge. Best to appease him while you can...

And finally, Richelle, we love you. We will always love you. Well, not always because that would make us truly E-Villll, and we're much more into being wicked than we are into being undead -- if you catch our meaning.
Check out the New York Times website for more information about the list:
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